I've been told that it's high time I wrote an update. Short on details, but baby steps, right?
Current location
Istanbul Airport, in what feels like the largest airport lounge in the hemisphere.
On my way to
Tokyo. One week, just for fun. There was a flight deal I couldn't pass up in December. I've never been to Japan, though when I asked on Facebook I got an amazing amount of great recommendations.
Last 3 weeks
Most of March
USA: Seattle, San Francisco, New York, Philadelphia. Partly for CRUSA (Chefrunde's U.S. west coast media executive trip: photos), partly to reconnect with friends in the Bay and NYC-areas, and partly to visit my sister in NY who just had a baby!
I fully endorse arriving back from a month-long trip on Good Friday. Everything will be closed, all your friends will want to hang out, and people will be throwing Easter dinners, brunches, and other parties to help you get over jetlag. Plus Monday is a holiday as well in Germany, so an extra day to sleep in with minimal guilt.
Summer Plans
No travel scheduled so far, looking forward to spending most of it in Berlin. Come visit!